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Agrimachinery.africa is the leading digital publication covering agriculture machinery and technologies around the world.

How laser weeding technology works


Weeds are a nuisance to farmers. The invasive plants often outcompete desirable crops for water, nutrients and sunlight. Weeds reproduce and spread quickly, making them difficult to remove.

They can cause yield loss and add significantly to farming production costs.

Pesticides may be used, but that’s often not the best choice as some pesticides can go beyond targeting weeds and kill crops and beneficial insects.

A new technology could be an answer to the weed problem.  Laser weeding robots are being touted as a big breakthrough in the fight against weeds.

Laser weeders use a high-powered laser to target and kill weeds. The laser is very precise, so it can be used to kill weeds without harming desirable plants. Laser weeders are also more efficient than herbicides.

How it works

Carbon Robotics, a leader in AI-powered robotics is one of the companies spearheading laser weeding technology and here is how its laser weeder works:

The Carbon Robotics Autonomous LaserWeeder™ runs day and night, using its GPS and computer vision guidance system to stay within the bounds of your field, navigate furrows, and automatically turn around for the next row.


High-resolution cameras scan your field, crops, and weeds in real time. A rugged, onboard supercomputer uses machine learning to identify invasive weeds among your valuable crops — in milliseconds — all while rolling.


High-powered lasers target thermal energy at each weed’s meristem. The Autonomous LaserWeeder™ can kill over 100,000 weeds/hour using eight simultaneously operating laser modules that deliver quick zaps on emerging weeds.


Laser-weeding robots epitomise precision farming by offering targeted weed control without affecting the surrounding crops. This precision reduces the reliance on broad-spectrum herbicides, mitigates the environmental impact, and advocates for sustainable agricultural practices.

 Automating the weeding processes essentially reduces the demand for manual labour. These robots operate day and night, allowing the reallocation of human resources to more complex tasks, thereby improving overall efficiency and productivity.

By eliminating the need for widespread herbicide application, laser-weeding robots contribute to reducing chemical dependency in agriculture. This not only preserves the environment but also addresses concerns related to pesticide residues in food.


But the High Initial Investment is discouraging.The adoption of laser-weeding technology entails a substantial initial investment. The cost of implementing these robotic systems may be a barrier for smaller or resource-limited farms.

Also the intricate engineering of laser-weeding robots presents a set of technical challenges. Sustaining the optimal performance of optical systems, ensuring precise weed detection, and identifying and rectifying malfunctions calls for continual technical expertise and support.

Again, Laser-weeding robots consume a considerable amount of energy, especially during extended periods of operation over large fields.

This energy requirement raises concerns about the ecological footprint of these machines, more so if not powered by sustainable sources.

Regardless, laser weeding robots remain a major agriculture innovation that is set to revolutionize the weeding process.

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